The Ultimate Website Titles & Descriptions Cheat Sheet
Google is the only platform that exists today whose sole purpose is to help you sell more, book more and get more done.
Get your course, business or app found faster with titles & descriptions that match Google’s 5 billion searches.
Get yours for only $7!
As seen on:
With this Cheat Sheet
You will learn…
How to harness the power of Google’s FREE, keyword matchmaking to get your website found.
How to find your highest impact keywords and use your competitors keywords to drive more visitors to your website.
The secret to stop wasting your time on broken tools and find a list of 70+ tools to help your website SEO.
Hey #GoogleGirl!
Barb McGrath
Barb’s been cracking the online code for nearly 20 years. Every year, hundreds of entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, local businesses and nonprofits, rely on her expertise and straight-forward approach to help them get to the 1st page of Google.
Get your copy now of “The Ultimate Website Titles & Descriptions Cheat Sheet” to learn how to get your website found faster.
No one knows your business better than you and you know your success is no longer a simple matter of getting the word out. It’s about reaching and compelling an audience far beyond your own backyard to trust, engage and buy…again and again.
You’ve already got the tools you need to succeed; buy “The Ultimate Website Titles & Descriptions Cheat Sheet” to start making sense of it all.